Since 2011, the Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery team has been deeply entrenched in production, loving every moment of pixel-pinching animation, and re-discovering the awe and wonders found in human anatomy. We would like to share with you a compilation of our endeavors in HPB surgery and multi-organ transplant storytelling–our first demo reel.

Through a splash of social media updates, we are reaching out and presenting some of the best work we’ve produced in the past 5 years. Every shot reflects our attempts at striking the perfect balance between accuracy and aesthetic, our efforts in blending surgery and animation, and ultimately, our interpretation of stories in clinical innovation.

We recall each of these shots in immaculate detail: from troubleshooting Boolean cut-aways in a living donor right hepatectomy, to animating the tension and slack within a parachute anastamosis technique, to directing viewer’s attention to one of the cut structures in a complex Whipple procedure…we could spend hours breaking down all the animation tricks we’ve learned and employed, but in the end, nothing can be more satisfying than witnessing the ‘Ah-ha!’ moment, when everything clicks and makes sense, and when our stories become part of your educational journey.

We welcome you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter as we continue to engage our viewers through regular updates on our website. Along with our video releases, we will also be maintaining this blog with regular posts, developing multiple videos in synchronicity and investing in new project initiatives.

This demo reel marks the 22nd consecutive month of regular postings from the TVASurg team, and as we continue to maintain this production schedule, we are reaching out to new clinical experts to contribute to our body of world-class expertise.

Above all, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us using our contact form, send us an email, or leave us a line in the comment box below.

Stay tuned for our updates by following us on Twitter, Instagram or our Youtube channel.

The TVASurg team

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