Case Description
  • A 27-year-old male presented with a sarcoma of the pancreas head that had engulfed the inferior vena cava and invaded the liver including segments I, VI and VII.
  • The tumour also involved main portal vein, right hepatic artery, right renal artery and vein,  and common bile duct.
  • Obstruction of the IVC led to re-routing of venous blood flow to drain the common iliac veins via the ascending lumbar veins.
  • The surgical plan was an extended right hepatectomy, resection of segments I, V, VI, VII, & VIII with a Whipple and right nephrectomy.
  • The stomach and the proximal jejunum were divided, followed by transecting the pancreas to the left of the portal vein.
CT scans (Venous Phase)

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Specimen model