Case description
  • The patient was a 59 year old male diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, suffering from severe pain and weight loss.
  • The patient was narcotic dependent, and had failed all previous medical treatments, including endoscopic stenting.
  • The pancreas was extremely atrophic with significant calcification.
  • The pancreatic duct presented with irregular narrowing.
  • A total pancreatectomy with splenectomy and islet auto-transplant prcedure was planned.
  • The proximal duodenum, proximal jejunum, and common bile duct will be divided.
  • Major vessels will be kept intact during the pancreas dissection, and not divided until right before the specimen removal.
  • Following removal, the pancreas was taken to the cell lab for pancreatic islet cell processing.
  • Purified islet cells were collected in an infusion bag, and infused through a portal vein catheter to take up residence in the liver.
  • Post-operatively the islets establish vascular connections in the liver sinusoid, and will start to produce and release insulin.
CT scans (pre-op)

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CT scans (post-op)

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