Case Description
  • The patient is 63-years-old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. The endophytic tumour is in the left tonsillar fossa extending towards the junction of the tongue base.
  • A transoral robotic radical tonsillectomy is performed.
  • An FK-WO TORS retractor frame is used for optimal transoral exposure.
  • The Da Vinci multi-port Si and Xi, or single-port SP robotic surgical system can be used depending on institutional availability.
  • The Da Vinci Si is 45 degrees to the edge of the bed, where the Xi will be positioned perpendicular to the bed.
  • The tumour will be removed along with the palatoglossus, the palatopharyngeus, and the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.
  • Depending on the depth of the tumour, portion of the styloglossus, and stylo pharyngeus muscle, and the distal glossopharyngeal nerve can be resected.
  • Routine neck dissection and ligation of external carotid artery branches will be performed to minimize post-operative bleeding. The lingual artery and other branches are routinely ligated.