Happy holidays! Thank you so much for supporting us through this challenging year. TVASURG is fortunate and grateful to be able to work from home during this pandemic and maintain our monthly video release schedule. As we continue to populate cases in our OB-GYN and HPB chapters, we’ve also added the new ENT chapter in March. In summary, two ENT cases, four OB-GYN cases, two OB-GYN patient education websites, and three HPB cases were added to our atlas in 2020. In addition, we released an updated demo reel to highlight our work since our last reel in 2018. Please see the gallery below for all the content we released this year.

In the virtual reality front, we’ve successfully helped organize the first Trans-Atlantic virtual reality tumor boards between Canada and Ireland. We also documented a local and international discussion of surgical anatomy use cases using wireless VR headsets and VR avatars. We are continuing our photogrammetry exploration, please check out our Sketchfab for various photogrammetry reconstructions of surgical specimens. These reconstructions have allowed us to see what this emerging visualization technique is capable of with organic subjects, investigate its strengths and weaknesses, and its potential for creating a new category of 3D teaching assets.

We also want to thank our followers and subscribers on Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn for your continued support. We really appreciate every like, share, and retweet. Each one helps our web presence grow and deliver open-access surgical education content to more surgical trainees.

Lastly, a huge thank you to healthcare and frontline workers for keeping us safe!
We hope everyone is faring well during these trying times. Stay safe, stay strong, and see you in 2021!

TVASurg team

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