11-year Anniversary!

December 19, 2022News, Process, Publications, Research

The Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery (TVASurg) launched its first video 11 years ago in November of 2011. For this month’s blog we’d like to report on the past decade of generating well over 100 3D animation-enhanced surgical teaching videos! Let’s begin with some big numbers on our activities and production. To date we have … Read More

Sharing our content

November 25, 2022News

As we look over our long list of surgeries filmed, animations produced, and surgical chapters added to our atlas, we are saddened to see another long list of data points–the number of copyright strikes we have had to submit to YouTube for users who have taken our content and posted it to their own channels … Read More

Scratching the surface of “scratch narration”

September 16, 2022News, Process

Audio narration is key to delivering your educational message when using video. If you are submitting a video to a conference, audio narration of your dictated script may be a requirement. At the end of your video production when you are ready to render out your final video file, you’ll want to be using high-quality … Read More

Association of Medical Illustrators 2022 Annual Conference

August 17, 2022Conferences, News

Last month was the first in-person conference of the Association of Medical Illustrators since the covid-19 pandemic. TVASurg production team member Paul Kelly attended the conference and even made a podcast episode on it! You can listen to find out more about the talks and presentations by using the embedded player below, or check out … Read More

Taking a breather

May 30, 2022News

We hope everyone is doing well! As Covid-19 restrictions continue to ease up here in Toronto, the production team took the opportunity to take a breather and catch up on a night of drinks. The fun-filled presentation of the cocktails are a definite aesthetic inspiration, and we’re happy to continue being in good company, especially … Read More