AMI Tech Talk: Photogrammetry for surgery

July 30, 2021Conferences, News, Process, Research, Tutorial

The annual Association of Medical Illustrators meeting has just wrapped up, and this year TVASurg production team members gave TWO presentations! What follows is a summary of the “tech talk” Senior Biomedical Communicator Paul Kelly gave on using the software 3DFlow Zephyr for making photogrammetry-based 3D models for surgical subjects.

2020 AMI webinar series

September 14, 2020Conferences

TVASurg has been proudly involved with the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) since our inception. Every year we submit clips from our favourite video releases to the annual AMI Salon, and have been fortunate enough to receive awards on several occasions. This year, in light of covid-19, the AMI has converted the annual meeting to a … Read More

BMCAA UnCon 2019

December 13, 2019Conferences, News

Once again the esteemed Biomedical Communications Alumni Association hosted its annual one-day “un-conference” this past November at the University of Toronto St. George campus. This event helps practictioners at all levels in the field gain insights into the activities and projects of students, professors, and alumni of the BMC program, as well as kindred spirits in closely related … Read More

ProFusion Expo

November 21, 2019Conferences, Process, Research

Last week TVASurg team members attended Vistek’s ProFusion Expo, to check out some of the newest gear and trends in photography and videography. Profusion Expo is a free two-day event in Toronto for professionals and camera enthusiasts. With over a hundred exhibitors, the newest equipment is showcased, and many products are launched for the first … Read More

C-CASE: the first Canadian Conference for the Advancement of Surgical Education

October 4, 2019Conferences

Last week saw the inaugural meeting of the Canadian Conference for the Advancement of Surgical Education (C-CASE) at the University of Ottawa. C-CASE was launched to provide a platform of discussion for surgical education and opportunities for surgical and medical educators to network, share their knowledge, experiences and current research. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly … Read More