Association of Medical Illustrators 2024 Annual Conference

August 16, 2024Conferences, News

The Association of Medical Illustrators 2024 annual conference just took place in Rochester NY, USA. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly, and host of the Medical Illustration Podcast attended, and presented a tech showcase on using the node-based compositing system of DaVinci Resolve. He also made a podcast about the conference!: Medical Illustration Podcast · Report on AMI … Read More

Anatomy Connected 2024

April 5, 2024Conferences, News

We recently attended the American Association of Anatomy’s2024 Anatomy Connected conference held this year in Toronto. TVASurg team members Joy Qu and Lesia Szyca presented with other medical illustration professionals at the Association of Medical Illustrators-sponsored group session “Design Thinking and Visual Communication through the Lens of the Medical Illustrator”. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly, … Read More

TVASURG at VidCon 2023

September 12, 2023Conferences, Vlog

In June, TVASurg production members Joy and Lesia had the opportunity to attend VidCon in Anaheim, California to see what’s new in the world of social media, gain insights into the future of digital content, and connect with other digital creators. This three-day conference, June 21- 24, 2023, hosted featured talks and panels from industry … Read More

AHPBA Annual Meeting 2023

March 29, 2023Conferences, News

Along with our editors and collaborators, the TVASurg team has always strived to disseminate and share our content to national and international medical conferences, in the form of ePosters, video case submissions, as well as invited lectures from our editors.   At this year’s annual meeting of the Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (AHPBA), we had the … Read More

Association of Medical Illustrators 2022 Annual Conference

August 17, 2022Conferences, News

Last month was the first in-person conference of the Association of Medical Illustrators since the covid-19 pandemic. TVASurg production team member Paul Kelly attended the conference and even made a podcast episode on it! You can listen to find out more about the talks and presentations by using the embedded player below, or check out … Read More