Surgical Photogrammetry

March 15, 2018News, Research

TVASurg is always looking for new ways to help surgeons teach. As we engage with new opportunities in the VR space, we’ve gained an interest in the potential of using photogrammetry to create assets for our VR modules. Photogrammetry is the science and technology of creating a 3D model based on a series of photographs … Read More

Nanoparticle research in the McGilvray & MacParland Labs – Pt2

February 7, 2018Research

Continuing from last month’s blog post, we’ll look more at the research of Dr. Ian McGilvray on the therapeutic potential of nanoparticles for treating pathologies of the liver. Assistant Scientist Dr. Sonya MacParland generously provided an in-depth perspective. EXPLORING PHENOTYPE & NANOPARTICLE UPTAKEFollowing the Nature Materials publication, the team took a closer look at how different immune cell populations … Read More

Nanoparticle research in the McGilvray & MacParland Labs – Pt1

January 17, 2018Research

Surgeons are fascinated by the disease processes that lead to conditions which require surgical intervention. Because they intervene directly in these disease processes at later stages, surgeons gain a unique vantage point with which to propose the optimal course of treatment for disease at earlier stages. In the following series of blog posts, we’ll be … Read More

Happy holidays from TVASurg!

December 13, 2017News Dear subscribers and followers,Happy holidays! It’s been another great year at TVASurg – twelve new videos have been added to our atlas. If you missed any of our monthly releases, the links for all the cases we released in 2017 are in the gallery below.This year, we continue to push the boundaries of Virtual … Read More

Video Editing Tips for Surgeons, Pt. 3: Video bitrates

November 15, 2017Tutorial

To conclude our series on video editing tips, we’ll be talking about the last piece of the video compression puzzle, the video bitrate. If you haven’t caught up with the series yet, but for Part 1: Resolution, and Part 2: Image Compression. VIDEO BITRATE Herewith our recommended settings for our video outputs: Container: MPEG4 (mp4) … Read More

Video Editing Tips for Surgeons, Pt. 2: Image Compression

October 16, 2017Tutorial

Following up on last month’s blog post, we’d like to continue our discussion on the technical specifications we look at during the editing and compressing phases of surgical video production, with a focus on image compression. VIDEO COMPRESSION Here again, are the specifications we recommend for final video output, intended for posting online, which are … Read More

Video Editing Tips for Surgeons, Pt.1: Resolution

September 20, 2017Tutorial

Over the course of producing many high-end surgical education videos at The Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery, we have come to develop a set of best practices when it comes to recording, editing, rendering, compositing, compressing, uploading and hosting videos on the web. For this month’s blog post, we’d like to start a discussion on … Read More

SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles!

August 16, 2017Conferences

Hi, I’m Joy, one of the biomedical communicators on the TVASurg production team. Last month I had an opportunity to attend the SIGGRAPH conference, an annual exhibition of computer graphics and interactive techniques. Even though SIGGRAPH is not a conference catered specifically to medical and scientific communicators like the AMI , there are production workflow … Read More

2017 Animation Short

July 31, 2017Video release by the opening credits to HBO’s Westworld, the TVASurg production team wanted to make something special for our 2017 annual animation production. Working with transplant surgeons and medical researchers, we’ve gained insights into both the incredible advances in medical technology, simultaneously tempered with the realities of the challenges to implementing promising new research.While numerous … Read More

Biomedical communications for liver transplants

July 17, 2017Bio

For this month’s blog post, we’d like to reach back and give a shout out to one of our previous interns, Naveen Devasagayam, who worked with the TVASurg team in the summer of 2014 to complete an in-depth patient teaching video on the living donor right hepatectomy procedure.