C-CASE: the first Canadian Conference for the Advancement of Surgical Education

October 4, 2019Conferences

Last week saw the inaugural meeting of the Canadian Conference for the Advancement of Surgical Education (C-CASE) at the University of Ottawa. C-CASE was launched to provide a platform of discussion for surgical education and opportunities for surgical and medical educators to network, share their knowledge, experiences and current research. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly … Read More

TVASurg Process: The Surgical Script

September 10, 2019Process

The mission of TVASurg is to help surgeons teach. Our specialty is found not only in our technical skills–medical illustration, video editing, 3D model reconstruction, 3D animation, and VR experience design–but also in our ability to communicate complex medical procedures using the most appropriate means available. Studies which evaluate the quality of surgical videos note … Read More

Photogrammetry frog dissection

August 15, 2019Research

In our most recent experiment in photogrammetry, we continue to refine our process for producing 3D models that can be repurposed for VR. We’ve integrated new software and are happy to present a new model to our growing sample set.

VR update: Multiplayer function

July 17, 2019News, Research

On the heels of last month’s update, we’d like to showcase another feature in our VR modules – the multiplayer function. Multiplayer function Seen below is an overview of the multi-player module: Two of our surgeons, each equipped with separate headsets and controllers, are interacting with each other as well as a virtual liver, as … Read More

VR update: Surgical simulation module

June 18, 2019News, Research

With summer incoming, we’d like to report on the progress we’ve made on the Virtual Reality (VR) modules developed here at TVASurg. VR surgical simulation module Operating room VR modules   Our VR development has delved into simulating patient-specific procedures before, though the modules we’ve developed are more akin to surgical planning tools, where the … Read More

Thank you Dr. Paul Greig

May 23, 2019News

Dr. Paul Greig, one of the co-founders of the Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery and editor of our HPB (hepatico-pancreato-biliary) and Transplant chapters, is retiring this month and will begin to pursue his dream to become a professional musician. Dr. Greig is a surgeon with passion and talent for teaching and mentoring. He headed the … Read More

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2019

April 24, 2019News

April 21–27 is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week here in Canada, and we at TVASurg are proud to contribute the highest quality educational videos for multi-organ transplantation. Please have a look through our growing library of surgical teaching videos to learn more about the fascinating world of multi-organ transplant surgery! In the summer … Read More

Photogrammetry model processing

April 17, 2019Research

Last month we shared a video of our attempt at a right hepatectomy of a cow’s liver we acquired from a local butcher shop. Following our transection of the liver along a major hepatic vein we identified, we used the remaining liver specimen for our on-going research into photogrammetry for use in surgical education.

Bovine hepatectomy

March 20, 2019Research, Vlog

In January we shared some of recent extracurricular efforts in dissecting animal organs we procured from local butcher shops. In our latest experiment, we thought it would be beneficial to take what we’ve learned and observed in filming HPB cases, and try to film ourselves performing a liver transection on a cow’s liver. You can … Read More

VR update: On capturing Mixed Reality (MR)

February 13, 2019News, Research

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI1AtP3WjJg&feature=youtu.be   We’ve been experimenting with Mixed Reality (MR) capture methods to showcase some of our VR modules. The above video is our experimental result, and was presented at the 3D Med Australia 2018 Conference in Melbourne, Australia.   In VR development, one challenge we constantly encounter is communicating the VR experience, especially in settings … Read More