Video Editing Tips for Surgeons, Pt.1: Resolution

September 20, 2017Tutorial

Over the course of producing many high-end surgical education videos at The Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery, we have come to develop a set of best practices when it comes to recording, editing, rendering, compositing, compressing, uploading and hosting videos on the web. For this month’s blog post, we’d like to start a discussion on … Read More

2017 Animation Short

July 31, 2017Video release by the opening credits to HBO’s Westworld, the TVASurg production team wanted to make something special for our 2017 annual animation production. Working with transplant surgeons and medical researchers, we’ve gained insights into both the incredible advances in medical technology, simultaneously tempered with the realities of the challenges to implementing promising new research.While numerous … Read More

Biomedical communications for liver transplants

July 17, 2017Bio

For this month’s blog post, we’d like to reach back and give a shout out to one of our previous interns, Naveen Devasagayam, who worked with the TVASurg team in the summer of 2014 to complete an in-depth patient teaching video on the living donor right hepatectomy procedure.

Publication in Journal of Visualized Surgery

June 16, 2017News, Publications

The Toronto Video Atlas of Liver, Pancreas and Transplant Surgery is happy to announce our publication in the Journal of Visualized Surgery. In collaboration with Dr.s Anne Agur and Jodie Jenkinson of the University of Toronto, “Depicting surgical anatomy of the porta hepatis in living donor liver transplantation” describes the process of developing an animation-enhanced … Read More

Forging the initiative into patient teaching

May 15, 2017Bio

Teaching surgical trainees through our videos is not the only objective we have here at The Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery. Educating patients is just as important to us. Because the videos for surgeons are not appropriate for patients to watch, we decided to repurpose it for patients.