Photogrammetry frog dissection

August 15, 2019Research

In our most recent experiment in photogrammetry, we continue to refine our process for producing 3D models that can be repurposed for VR. We’ve integrated new software and are happy to present a new model to our growing sample set.

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2019

April 24, 2019News

April 21–27 is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week here in Canada, and we at TVASurg are proud to contribute the highest quality educational videos for multi-organ transplantation. Please have a look through our growing library of surgical teaching videos to learn more about the fascinating world of multi-organ transplant surgery! In the summer … Read More

Photogrammetry model processing

April 17, 2019Research

Last month we shared a video of our attempt at a right hepatectomy of a cow’s liver we acquired from a local butcher shop. Following our transection of the liver along a major hepatic vein we identified, we used the remaining liver specimen for our on-going research into photogrammetry for use in surgical education.

Bovine hepatectomy

March 20, 2019Research, Vlog

In January we shared some of recent extracurricular efforts in dissecting animal organs we procured from local butcher shops. In our latest experiment, we thought it would be beneficial to take what we’ve learned and observed in filming HPB cases, and try to film ourselves performing a liver transection on a cow’s liver. You can … Read More

Butcher shop dissections

January 31, 2019News, Research

Recently we’ve embarked on a self-assigned task to experiment with some new ideas and explore some under-utilized tools in our surgical animation pipeline repertoire. We’ve acquired some animal organs from a local butcher shop (sometimes referred to as “offals”), and testing our knowledge of comparative vertebrate anatomy, have been dissecting them to make the perfect … Read More