Association of Medical Illustrators 2024 Annual Conference

August 16, 2024Conferences, News

The Association of Medical Illustrators 2024 annual conference just took place in Rochester NY, USA. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly, and host of the Medical Illustration Podcast attended, and presented a tech showcase on using the node-based compositing system of DaVinci Resolve. He also made a podcast about the conference!: Medical Illustration Podcast · Report on AMI … Read More

Node-based Compositing with DaVinci Resolve’s Fusion

July 12, 2024Process, Tutorial, Video release

In this post and accompanying video, TVASurg production member Paul Kelly will show how you can use DaVinci Resolve for animation using the node-based compositing part of the software, Fusion. We’ve used DaVinci Resolve for video editing at TVASurg for several years now, and have utilized Fusion for compositing on several recent animations such as … Read More

Anatomy Connected 2024

April 5, 2024Conferences, News

We recently attended the American Association of Anatomy’s2024 Anatomy Connected conference held this year in Toronto. TVASurg team members Joy Qu and Lesia Szyca presented with other medical illustration professionals at the Association of Medical Illustrators-sponsored group session “Design Thinking and Visual Communication through the Lens of the Medical Illustrator”. TVASurg team member Paul Kelly, … Read More

2022 Demo Reel

December 24, 2022News, Video release

Life has returned to a “new normal” since our last Demo Reel in 2020. This time around we are happy to be including several new patient education sites, new additions to our ENT and laparoscopic chapters, and 2 new atlas chapters in our repertoire of surgical education projects. We have also begun to release some … Read More

11-year Anniversary!

December 19, 2022News, Process, Publications, Research

The Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery (TVASurg) launched its first video 11 years ago in November of 2011. For this month’s blog we’d like to report on the past decade of generating well over 100 3D animation-enhanced surgical teaching videos! Let’s begin with some big numbers on our activities and production. To date we have … Read More