Let's be honest, 2020 has been a rough year for all of us. Like many of the global workforce, we transitioned to a work-at-home structure in March. Despite adjustments and setbacks, our dedicated team of surgeons and medical illustrators have kept pace with our monthly release schedule, and we are working hard to produce powerful visuals and carefully designed teaching assets.

In difficult times, it's helpful to look back at past accomplishments and remind oneself of one's ability to take on challenges and accomplish goals. So, we'd like to present a montage of our work over the past two years in our 2020 Demo Reel!

In case you missed it…

Our ultimate goal is to become a surgical atlas of all specialties. We began in 2011 focusing exclusively on HPB and Multi-organ transplant procedures. In June of 2018 we added our Obstetrics and Gynecology chapters, and this year, we have begun to release videos in our new ENT Head and Neck chapter.

Please don’t hesitate to contact and collaborate with us, it’s never too late to add your chapter! If you like the work we are doing, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Your generous contributions help us to continue producing open-access surgical education resources.

--The TVASurg Team

One Comment

  • Your team has put an enormous effort into the HPB series. I think a colour atlas with animated figures and access to the video would be a wonderful opportunity for the HPB fellows to learn. The original personal case series from Prof Michael Trede own beautiful drawings to the japanese Operation Atlas by S Tashiro to Clavien & Sarr’s Atlas of UGI and HPB surgery to most recent Claudius Conrad Laparoscopic Liver, Pancreas and Biliary surgery.
    It might seem the market is very tight, to the contrary there is room for your effort to be apperciated. It is a different take. Addition of short summary tips and tricks with each case will make it truly a valuable tool.

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